Foreo UFO Smart Mask Treatment Device

Where I got it

I got this from for $362.11 while they were having 20% off all Foreo products. Places like and Farmers are selling this for around $450. I read online that heaps of places would do discounts or special offers on Foreo devices and Foreo’s own website would often do these specials as well, so wait for a sale and don’t buy it full priced! Recreate Yourself also offers free shipping so I ordered from them. I placed my order on 13/2, and it was delivered on 18/2. I have been using this for over 6 months now (on and off). You can find this product on*. *affiliated link.

Foreo UFO Smart Mask Treatment Device

Foreo UFO Smart Mask Treatment Device

What I got

This is the first Foreo UFO Smart Mask Treatment Device. Unmask radiant skin is just 90 second with this innovative first, the FOREO UFO smart mask. This new skincare device combines premium Korean-inspired skincare formulas with state-of-the-art technology to create an advanced facial treatment. This fast and result-driven skincare treatment combines LED light therapy, and advanced Hyper-Infusion Technology to activate the UFO circular microfiber sheet masks, ensuring your skin absorbs the treatment as deeply and effectively as possible. 

This unique facial mask treatment has multiple functions: a warming thermo-therapy function that gently heats the skin, opening pores, to allow the active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin. The opposite mode promotes cryo-therapy, cooling instantly to refresh and invigorate skin while decreasing puffiness, reducing the appearance of pores and lifting and firming. The T-Sonic pulsations act as a soothing facial massage, boosting absorption and promoting circulation to reveal a brighter, more radiant complexion.

Foreo UFO Smart Mask Treatment Device

Foreo UFO Smart Mask Treatment Device

How I find it

The first thing I did when I received my UFO, I charged the device, read the instructions and downloaded the app on my phone. Once the device is charged and ready to go, I registered my device on the app. I just select the correct device and turn on the device by pressing the on/off button at the top for 5 secs, the pairing is done with Bluetooth, so turn that on from your phone every time you use it. Then you will be asked when you purchased it, proof of purchase and where you bought it. Once the registration is completed, you can use the device right away!

There are already 2 mask presets loaded onto the device – Make My Day and Call It a Night. The circle interface gets filled up with different masks as you use it. I cleanse my face first, pat dry and get ready to mask!

The first mask I decided to use it the Make My Day one which is hydration and anti-pollution (the UFO device includes 1 free MMD mask). After selecting it from the app, it will ask you to scan the barcode. Once that is all ready, the device will give about 2-3 seconds before the treatment starts. The app guides you through the process and explains what is going on with the device – heat/cool, LED colour and t-sonic pulsations.

I really enjoy the talk-through by the app and the gentle humming of the t-sonic pulsations. It’s quite relaxing and therapeutic, I almost want to do this for 5 minutes. The mask essence is a little sticky, almost gel like so it doesn’t run fast. Towards the end of the treatment. I can feel the mask sheet pilling up, so the sheet is getting dried and I can see some dirt residue from my face in the mask sheet.

I just remove and rinse the device, let it air dry and I pay the remaining essence on my skin. The device does ask if you want to repeat the process, but I recommend to remove the mask sheet, pour the rest of the serum directly onto the device and glide it on the face and run the treatment again. It still works.

My skin feels hydrated and plump after using the mask and I feel like I didn’t really need anything else over it. I do use a light moisturiser on top and SPF during the day, but my skin feels hydrated and comfortable!

Foreo UFO masks


I think this device is definitely very cute and innovative, but is it worth the hefty price tag and do you need it? Probably not, and let me take you through the pros and cons of this product. I like how you can do a mask in 90 seconds, because I seldom have a good 15-20 minutes lie-down time. But when I do have the time for a pamper and a sheet mask, I like to use the Foreo device over whatever sheet mask I was using, doesn’t have to be the UFO masks. I was initially drawn to the LED and cryotherapy because I have been quite interested in these technology lately. You can pop your facial rollers in the fridge, but I find this instant cooling device really handy and I don’t have to pop downstairs to the kitchen and grab my roller.

I know that LED treatments are really expensive at clinics, but they are expensive for a reason, they work in an effective wavelength that is much stronger than what you can get form at-home devices. So when I saw how little the amount of LED lights are on the device and how little time the treatment is, I would say it’s more gimmicky than it is actually working. Usually LED treatments are at least an hour long, so no way a 90-seconds mask would do anything if you do it once or twice a week. I would really invest in a proper LED device to be really honest.

But it’s not all negative from here, the mask sheets are really really good! The serum is so hydrating and soothing to my skin I am very impressed! I wish they would come out with proper sheet masks! An it is great if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands but still want to do a mask or you want to take it travelling, etc. As I mentioned before, I think the one thing I really like about this device is you can use it on top of any sheet masks you have, or even just to massage your serums into your skin. The heating element does turn itself off after a while (around 5 minutes? to avoid overheating.

There is one thing that I would suggest to Foreo is to be able to use this without an app, or running the app in the background. Whilst using the app, you cannot use your phone to do anything else, otherwise the connection with the device will be lost. I know that they have a new Bear and Bear mini microcurrent facial massager that are newly launched. I am somewhat interested in that as well!

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